Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Getting Run Over by a Train of Thought

Hello peoples. I apologise, it's been a few days (no pageviews at the moment, fuck it, I'll be lazy). There is a reason for this. I have been having trouble coming up with acceptable things to write about. Well, not trouble. More like an overload. I call this type of writer's block "Getting run over by a train of thought" (I've written a song about it, which I will post when I get round to posting songs). 

Just to clarify, a train of thought (I didn't come up with that, sadly) is the way one thought topic has an association (usually distant and weird) with a different thought topic and this continues until you end up being like "How the fuck did I get thinking about this, I was just thinking about what I wanted for dinner?!!". It is an odd thing and it happens a lot (to me, at least, I don't know if that's normal). 

Now that that's out of the way, I can get to what getting run over by a train of though means. Context: you need an idea for something. Be it a blog (yay, relevance!) or a book or a bus ad or a pamphlet on how to escape a zombie apocalypse or a recipe for fish soup or a post-it telling your soon-to-be-ex that they're a asshole-fucktard-manwhore and that you know about that slut from the office or crayon drawing for school (well done on reading this, by the way, I don't know many five year olds who read blogs). 

Wow, that got off track, which is exactly my point. You need an idea for something and you have a wide range of things you can do. You can draw a dragon or put cinnamon in your soup or review a movie or advise people to use AKs instead of double barrel shotguns (seriously, guys, why is there always that one douche in zombie movies who brought the fucking shotgun and keep having to reload?). You see what I mean? You think of one great idea, that leads to another, to another and in the end you can't remember a single one of your "amazing" ideas and you end up writing some bullshit about writers block. You get run over, swept far away from the original genius, by a train of thought. It makes sense to me anyway. And my zombie soup crayon drawing looks awesome, so there. Embrace the madness.

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