Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Just a little updatey thing

Hey guys. This is going to be a relatively short installation to this blog (shorter by approximately 2,000 words, damn my rants are lengthy) with a wee welcome to my newer viewers (as my daily view count for the last two days has been at least four times that of the norm, possibly to be attributed to my review of Awoken.) I welcome all Elinsen fans and, on a completely separate note (I have no idea why I would mention it) all fellow fans of team NChick and their exploits. Great minds think alike but fools seldom differ,as the saying goes. You can decide whether or not I'm insulting you. Yay, interactivity!

I'd  also like to make some excuses for myself in advance (though I'm not sure as of yet if they're necessary). This September I began my final year of secondary/high school (I'm seventeen, get with the times). In Ireland we do not have a continual assessment system and so at the end of this year I'll be taking a big ol' exam that will effectively decide what college I can go to, what job I can get (ha, jobs. Do they still exist?) and ultimately decide my future. Considering I'm taking eight higher lever subjects (that's two above the minimum requirement and one above the average) I have a fair bit on my plate for the upcoming nine months. I'm going to try and keep a regular enough schedule blogwise but chances are it will fluctuate. Expect maybe one a week, though this will vary depending on how productive I'm being. And how much I feel like ranting. I have
many things to rant on, don't worry there. Or, y'know, talk about. But mostly ranting.

Now for a little incentive. Over the coming weeks you can expect some entries on (by no means in this order or in fact at all, I'm inconsistent):

1. Taylor Swift
2. More opinions on religion (purely because I have many, many feels on this topic)
3. A Harry Potter themed rant (It's a secret)
4. Maybe a review or two of movies and or plays that are by no means recent
5. Feminism (because the internet is all feminist now, I must voice my thoughts!)

So, um, yeah. Expect some kind of activity from here. I have this thing I do quite frequently (for good or for ill) I like to call "productive procrastination. Basically, when I get bored of the thing I'm meant to be doing, I go off and do something completely different but still sorta productive (like writing a short play. No, really). Therefore this is what I did for most of last year.

I need to catch up just a little. I do very much hope you'll come back here every now and then to read my whatchimocallits and whojimoflips (that sounds like an innuendo. Why does that sound like an innuendo?). You are appreciated here. I'm not like your kids/parents/husband/wife/imaginary friends. I really do understand your pain  .

Embrace the Madness

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